The importance of English Language in today’s world

The importance of English Language in today’s world

Why language is important?

Language is our primary source of communication. It’s the method through which we share our ideas and thoughts with others.

Why English?

There are thousands of languages in this world.

Countries have their own national languages in addition to a variety of local languages spoken and understood by their people in different regions.

That is when the importance of English comes, as it is spoken almost all over the world.

The Importance of English

English is also essential for education.

In many countries children are taught and encouraged to learn English as a second language.

Almost 90% education subjects are written in English language.

Source: Unsplash

The English language is actually the easiest in the worlds to learn because available are a large number of sources for it, once you decide you want to learn, you are offered thousands of sources for the different ways.

English as a medium of communication

There are several factors that make English language essential for communication at the present time.

It is a common language in foreign.

This means that two people from two different countries usually use English as a common language to communicate.

Source: Unsplash

English plays an important role in everyday life. There is great utility of English in modern world.

So the use of English should be continued along with Hindi and other regional languages. English language is widely used in officials’ communications and many more.


As you can see English is useful in life.

All of us study it in everyday situations and activities.

The language is quite simple and logical.

This is why I like English and it is my favorite subject in college.

7 Secrets of success:-

Roof said                    :           Aim high

Fan Said                     :           Be cool

Clock said                  :           Every minute is precious

Mirror said                :           Reflect before you act

Window said             :           See the world

Calander Said            :           Be up to date

Door said                   :           Push hard to achive your goals

Michael Balshlan

English Teacher

Parker Inter College

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