Maths: A Necessity

Maths: A Necessity

Maths is not a fear?

We know that India is the third largest producer of Science graduates, but still when we talk about Maths in general many of us think of boring, difficult to learn and understand subject. Some even fears from the Maths.

What is Maths’ importance?

This subject always remain a mystery for many and shiver many of us.

Whereas if we see in our surrounding many things that we do or if rely upon them are purely based on Mathematical laws.

For many of us level of intellect depends on how good we perform in this subject.

Source: Unsplash

Even in schools & Colleges we observe that a student who score higher in their examination gets Maths as a subject for higher studies.

So it is quite clear that Maths occupies a pivotal place in our day to day life.

What if we ignore it?

Roger Bacon (1214-1294) an English Franciscan, philosopher, scientist and scholar of the 13th century, once stated,

“Neglect of mathematics works injury to all knowledge, since he who is ignorant of it cannot know the other sciences or the things of the world and the ingenuity of his statement is there before us to see, in this Internet era.

Maths: The Universal Language.

Mathematics in itself, has all the ingredients that make it a universal language shared by all human beings irrespective of culture, religion, or gender.

Sum of all interior angles of a triangle is always 180◦, regardless of where we are.

Source: Unsplash

Similarly, the elemental mathematical operations (like addition, subtraction etc) never get changed due to a change in the location these all say about the close intertwining of mathematics in our daily life.

Maths Re-explained

At a time whenever a common man is being increasingly dependent upon the application of science and technology in the day-to-day activities of life, the role of mathematics has undoubtedly been redefined.

Right from getting up in early hours of the day to the ringing of and alarm, to exchange currency at a ticket outlet while availing a public conveyance, almost every next moment we do the simple calculations at the lack of our mind.

Of course, these are all done pretty unconsciously without a thought being spared for the use of mathematics on all such occasions.

Reading time on a watch, rounding a date on calendar, checking up the mileage of your car, halting at the filling station.

Attending to a roll call at school, getting scores in the class exams, scoring in a game, preparing a recipe in the kitchen, the list is just endless.

If one goes on to note down the situations when our computational skill, or more specifically, simple mathematics comes to play a role.

It scares us to certain extent to think of a life without any knowledge of calculation or computation, or in other words mathematics.

It even helps in mental developement

At a psychological level, exposure to mathematics helps in developing an analytical mind and assists in better organization of ideas, an accurate expression of thoughts.

At a more general level, far away from dealing with the higher mathematical concepts, the importance of mathematics for a common man is underpinned.

Whenever we visits bank, shopping malls, railways, post offices, insurance companies or deals with exports imports, trade and commerce, Maths is necessary.


From above discussion it’s quiet evident that our modern life style is completely handicapped in absence of mathematics.

To reach at important decision and perform everyday tasks we must be well versed in the language of numbers.

Be it to shop wisely or renovate a home within budget knowledge of mathematics holds the key, and hence it is necessary.

Amberish Singh

Astt. Teacher

Parker Inter College

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